Crushed Velvet Germanium Fuzz

Hand Made in Fort Worth, Texas

Crushed Velvet Germanium Fuzz

Texas Tone® is proud to feature pedals by Tex Mex Effects, hand made in Fort Worth, Texas.

Crushed Velvet Germanium Fuzz Pedal

The Crushed Velvet Germanium fuzz pedal is an extremely versatile vintage style germanium fuzz with a bass switch and external bias control. It features three vintage N.O.S. (new old stock) germanium transistors tested for gain, current leakage and low noise, carefully selected through-hole components, true bypass and hand applied one-of-a-kind paint job.

A characteristic of Germanium fuzz pedals is that they sound different depending on the guitar and amp, settings, pickups, etc. We recommed putting them first in the pedal chain to get the best sound.

The Crushed Velvet Fuzz cleans up significantly when the guitar volume is rolled down for sparkling clean tones when the fuzz knob is set low.

Volume - Fuzz - Bias

Volume knob: plenty of volume available, capable of pushing the front end of your tube amp into beautiful overdrive.

The Fuzz knob goes from overdrive type tones when set low to full on wooly fuzz when turned up.

The Bias knob adjusts the bias of the output transistor to compensate for germanium transistors' inherent temperature sensitivity. When set low, this can achieve gated, sputtering vintage fuzz tones as heard on songs like Satisfaction, Spirit in the Sky, and In a Godda Da Vida.

Special Features

Bass toggle switch: djusts the overall amount of bass present in the output.

Bypass footswitch - true bypass.

Price: $$279.00, plus $15 shipping and 8.25% sales tax. Please inquire for current lead time or more information:

To purchase a Crushed Velvet Germanium fuzz pedal by Tex Mex Effect, please use PayPal, and inquire about lead times. Current lead time - 2 weeks.

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